About Me

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My name is Kathryn Wade, I'm different and interesting, and I'm determined to make a name for myself in the world of photography. My main flickr page (containing all of my best photos) is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kattwade/

Monday 10 January 2011


Taking inspiration from work by Matthew Brindle, this is a sample from within my  'On The Edge' project.   I've been looking at portraits and asking the question " how close is too close?"  I am asking the viewer to think whether  these are considered to be normal portraits.

Dan - I like the intensity of the one eye that is showing

Dan - A more edgy almost sinister feel emphasised by the lighting

Emma - The solemn expression alongside the symmetrical nature of the face makes this an interesting study

Shelly - Of note is the detail in the eyes and the connection between the model and the viewer

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