About Me

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My name is Kathryn Wade, I'm different and interesting, and I'm determined to make a name for myself in the world of photography. My main flickr page (containing all of my best photos) is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kattwade/

Monday 10 January 2011

Self portrait movie stills

Movies are obviously moving images, however after watching a movie there are often stand out images and scenes that remain in the mind rather than the overall narrative.
There are many iconic images in movies and this set of images is from work where I picked around 10 films that I considered to be different, edgy or 'cult'. I was looking to pick one scene or image from each movie and recreate these.
The images chosen, although looking superficially simple,  presented surprising technical challenges. This is an area that I would like to pursue further although I realise I would need access to better studio facilities, lighting and props than I have at present.
I took inspiration from a number of sources but the work of Cindy Sherman in particular provided some interesting ideas, that I could try to reinterpret.

Donnie Darko - The image has been altered using Photoshop to create the light effect

Blair Witch Project - I used a video camera, with a hand held torch to provide the lighting effect.

Psycho - The shower scene - in my shower!


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